Setting Intentions
Random woman with leaky goggles…
In just two days, I am leaving for Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro - Gulp. It’s hard to believe that it’s actually happening. I have been talking about it for so long that it almost feels like just a story.
Anyway… this morning, I headed to the YMCA to swim and use the sauna one last time. As I walked into the locker room, the first thing that caught my eye was that the sauna had a bench in front of it with a sign taped on the door that read “out of service.” UGH! I was truly disappointed. Frustrated, I headed to the pool. I popped on new goggles that were custom made to fit the shape of my face. Having visualized the getting in part, I quickly began swimming. Within a few yards, my new goggles were leaking. When I reached the edge of the pool, I fiddled with the straps making them tighter. Another lap in, no leaking but the goggles were so tight they hurt my eyes. I then switched them out for an old pair of goggles I had brought along with me.
During my fourth lap, I heard a whistle. Lifting my head, I saw the lifeguard jump into the pool. The older man with whom I was sharing a lane, was having trouble breathing. Thankfully, the lifeguard got him to the edge of the pool where he stood for a few minutes before getting out. The other swimmers and I were instructed to stay out of the pool while the gentleman sat on a bench. Although it was scary at first, it became clear quickly that he was going to be fine and after about 10 minutes or so he headed into the locker room. The lifeguard then explained that we could only swim for 15 minutes. She would then close the pool in order to fill out some paperwork. I had planned to swim a mile and there was no chance of doing that in just 15 minutes! When we were told to exit the pool, I went to grab my second pair of goggles and they were gone! Someone must have mistakenly picked them up.
At some point during the course of the morning I had the feeling that the universe was testing me with one small inconvenience after another. I recognized that I had a choice. I could go straight to frustration and anger, or I could choose to show up with a sense of humor and just go with the flow. I can’t say I did it perfectly as I definitely began to feel frustrated as I sat freezing on the side of the pool. But thankfully I didn’t let those feelings get away from me.
Climbing Kilimanjaro will no doubt have lots of unexpected challenges – some small and maybe some big. Thanks, universe, for reminding me that how I want to BE is a choice. So… my intentions for this adventure are to BE fun, easy going, kind, a good friend, present and curious. Wish me luck!